Mrs. Sandra Elaine Chase
716 Kennedy Street NW | Johnson & Jenkins Funeral Home | Friday, May 5th, 2017 | Washington DC

In Loving Memory Of :

Mrs. Sandra Elaine Chase

The Obituary

Teach us Lord, to number our days. For it is the appointed unto man, once to die as God Almighty in all His wisdom called from labor to reward MRS. SANDRA ELAINE CHASE, on Wednesday, April 26th, 2017 at George Washington University Hospital in Washington, DC. Her maiden name was Sandra Elaine Newman. She was born in Norfolk, VA on April 2nd, 1946. She was the daughter of Vivian Smith and Willie Newman.

Sandra always pursued higher education. She was a successful graduate of the Calvary Bible Institute at Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church. She received her certification in Bible Studies and Ministry. She loved serving the Lord and others. She was a member of the Greater Mount Calvary Deaconess board, health conditions hindered her recent participation. She was one of the original members of Marriet's Children which helped women suffering from drug and alcohol abuse led by Dr. Barbara Reynolds. She also participated in the Evangelistic Outreach Ministry with Evengelist Carolyn Joyner. Her most recent service in the Lord was being an avid supporter and re-source for Withered Hand Ministry with Elder Janice Bennett, Visionary.

Sandra was a devoted Bible reader. She loved to study the ins and outs of God's word. She had so many bibles, concordances and books about the Lord, they filled her bookshelves ad storage containers in her home. She could never get enough of re-searching every word in the bible.

She loved being fashionable. Her favorite colors were orange and gold. She adored her collection of Angels and Miniond from Despicable Me. She tried to collect anything that affiliated with these characters. They made her very happy!

With the Lord's guidance and help, she conquered many struggles in her life which for her started at a very young age. One of those struggles was drug and alchol abuse. After years of fighting the battle alone she decided to admit herself into a Christian based drug rehabilitation program called New Life for Youth. While recovering in this program she gave fer life to Jesus Christ totally and completly. After over a year of she successfully completing this program and returning to her children a clean and sober person, filled with the Holy Spirit!!! She is the reason why all her children have given their lives to Christ as well.

Shout out to the Family

Sandra has joined her husband of 26 years, John Larry Sims, and her oldest son La-mont Foster in Heaven. She leacves to mourn; 3 sons - Kyle Sims, Charles Foster Jr., and Jerome Foster, 2 daughters- Artemesia Foster and Johnell (Foster) King; 13 grandchildren- LaMesia Foster, Lamont Washington, Octavia Bradley ,